When looking for an attorney to help with your estate plan, you want the best possible attorney, one with the most expertise in your area of need. Even among estate planning attorneys, there are differences. Some estate planning attorneys also specialize in business or tax law. Others also specialize in family and criminal law. And some estate planning attorneys also specialize in elder law, which may be the perfect combination for a family’s estate planning purposes.
A significant advantage of using an estate planning attorney with elder law expertise involves the depth of the relationship between the client and the attorney. Elder law attorneys get to know the family members and the needs and financial circumstances of their clients more intimately than do estate planning attorneys without elder law expertise. Elder law attorneys typically represent a client for the entire length of time in which a client needs care rather than simply for the length of time it takes to draft estate planning documents. Once the attorney understands the financial circumstances and family relationships, she can create a comprehensive plan that protects assets and loved ones, addresses a client’s long-term health care needs, and minimizes tax consequences.
Getting Legal Help
Attorney Elga Goodman is a highly regarded and experienced estate planning attorney who also specializes in elder law and who has a strong background in tax law. Given her range of expertise, Ms. Goodman has a deep understanding of the potential pitfalls of inadequate planning. She has helped many families create flexible, comprehensive estate plans. Contact us today at 973-841-5111.
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Information accurate as of the publication date of 2012